We'll help you quiet your nervouse system and get your life back from PTSD.
Service Description
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is the nervous system’s response when we experience a terrifying shock. Dr. John Woodall has a special expertise in PTSD and has helped those who suffer from it since the 1980s. He ran a PTSD service at a VA Medical Center, started a PTSD service in a veterans homeless shelter, and ran PTSD services for the US State Department through the Harvard School of Public Health in the former Yugoslavia and in many other settings. What is PTSD? Any threat to our safety instinctually causes our brains to protect us. Stepping into the street, for instance, we might react with a startle when we see a car coming. Instantly, our “Fight or Flight” survival mode kicks in flooding our body with adrenaline to give us the strength to either attack the danger (“Fight”) or run from it (“Flight”). Once we jump out of the way and the car passes, our nervous system goes back to normal and we’re no longer in “Fight or Flight” mode. In PTSD, the nature of the threat may be so frightening that once the “Fight or Flight” kicks in, it doesn’t really turn off after the threat has gone. PTSD keeps us in a state of alarm to protect us from possible threats. Our perception is geared to looking for threats instead of enjoying life. This negatively impacts our relationships if we see accusations when none occurred. What are the symptoms of PTSD? Hyperarousal Symptoms These are physical symptoms of an overactive nervous system geared toward “Fight or Flight.” These include: • Palpitations • Rapid breathing • Sweating • Dizziness • Nausea • Trembling • Poor concentration • Anger and irritability • Insomnia Intrusive Symptoms • Severe emotional distress from recurrent memories of a traumatic event. • “Flashbacks,” which are feeling like the traumatic event is actually happening all over again. • Upsetting nightmares of the trauma. Avoidant Symptoms • Trying to avoid talking or thinking about a traumatic event. • Avoiding reminders of the trauma or the symptoms. Tragically, untreated PTSD can lead to destructive behaviors that make it harder to get life back on track. These include: • Substance use in order to quiet the suffering. • Angry or avoidant responses to people you love that undermine good relationships. • The exhaustion of the PTSD symptoms can create isolation, despair and depression. How is PTSD treated? Dr. Woodall uses his “Full Circle Care” model to help relieve the suffering of PTSD. Scientifically studied nutritional supplements replenis

Contact Details
123 S Main St, Newtown, CT, USA
475 225-5098